Macrocosm of the Golden Scrolls


A master blend of dark and erotic themes with phantasmic tales of drama and intrigue. Step into the world and beyond that’s been created by storyteller Golden Scribe as he weaves an emotional roller coaster of Novel’s set in the past, present, and future that will make you laugh, cry, and possibly pee your pants in the process.

Every title in the Macrocosm is twisted and intricately intertwined through time, space, and circumstance. Creating a literary universe whose characters are constantly on the brink of destruction or advancing on the edge of greatness.

Every choice.. Every action.. Every life.. Every Death.. will determine the destiny of them all.


Stories by: Golden Scribe



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•• Recent Chapters Posted ••

  • MOI(1): Eureka - *Chapter Six* I ran barefoot down the nearest alleyway, my left leg throbbing, pain jolting up from my ankle. My back was stiff and the headache I was experiencing, made the incoming sirens in the distance ring in my ears. Yokohama, the Harbor of the Future… It was all coming back to me quickly, I...
  • MOI(1): The Playroom - *Chapter Five* The back of the van was stale, and the rev of the engine woke me from my disorientation, my feet and hands were tied tight at the wrist and ankles. We hit a bump and my head strikes the floor of the van painfully, I don’t make a sound, as to not alert...
  • SCS(MP): The Masters of Purgatory - *Chapter Three* My head was spinning a bit as my guard detail escorted me across the grounds, it was time for my transfer to Purgatory. I couldn’t dwell on my new discovery for very long, and so much was happening at once, I just had to focus on the next. The security team lead me...
  • SGG(1): Runaway Love - – Epilogue – 《 Four and 1/2 Years Later 》 I was running around frantically, everything just had to be perfect, there would be no forgiveness if I fucked this up. “Omg, is that the cake, what the hell is that?!” “Umm..” The delivery guy looked shocked as I was, as we look down at...
  • SGG(1): Grace, Greed, & The Glory of God - – The Finale – *Chapter Seventeen* I had barely released the words from my lips before Cedric launched himself onto the table, clawing and crawling across it to reach me, a ferocious hate reddening his eyes. The men accompanying Jynx were the first to respond, moving in front of him and Yurika protectively, as I...
  • SGG(1): Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - *Chapter Sixteen* That night, as I stood in front of the door that would lead to the Windigo Lodge conference room, I felt unsure as to what could possibly happen once inside. My boss was unpredictable, my friends -slash- peers were just as erratic, and any attempt to gauge how dire the situation could be,...
  • SGG(1): As I Begin To Pray - *Chapter Fifteen* Cedric let out a bloodcurdling scream, one that would put any horror movie damsel to shame, the sound pierced it’s way through the camp causing everyone to come running. “He killed him! Cydnee murdered Pastel, someone get help!” I had to stop myself from reaching for his neck and wringing it like dirty...